Services for Dogs
At the Animal Ark we care about your dog’s health. Yearly exams provide our doctors the opportunity to assess your pet’s health and weight. A complete and thorough examination of your dog’s eyes, ears, mouth, coat and body condition, as well as, listening to their heart and lungs and taking their temperature is instrumental in the detection of illness and the assurance of good health. The doctor and technician will listen to any concerns you have regarding your dog, and ask questions about their behavior, eating habits and attitude. These questions, combined with the physical examination will be entered into your dog’s permanent medical record. Our medical team of Doctors and technicians will guide you and your pet through your yearly exam with caring and compassion.
Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2 Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Leptospira Canicola Ictrerohaemorrhagie Bacterin. That’s a mouth full and it doesn’t sound like anything you want your dog to have! But it is just what your dog needs once a year. It is the Distemper vaccine that is administered yearly. If you have a puppy you will need a series of vaccines to provide protection as their immune system matures. Adult dogs should have a distemper vaccine yearly to maintain protection. A complete examination by the doctor prior to vaccines is required to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. A rabies vaccine is required for all dogs. This vaccine is administered at 12 weeks of age, again at one year, then every three years subsequently. A yearly heartworm test will reveal any tick-borne illnesses such as Anaplasmosis, Erlichia or Lymes disease as well as canine heartworm. The doctors and technicians are happy to explain the procedures and processes to ensure your pet is both healthy and happy and you understand the care they are being given. A fecal test will be sent to an outside laboratory for examination to ensure that your pet is free of internal parasites that can cause discomfort and disease.
Preventative care and vaccines are just part of the services we provide for dogs at the Animal Ark. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns about your dog and his care, either by email or by calling our office at 315-635-2525.